HTML version of the Geek Code - Linux

The Code of the Geeks v1.0.1

Linux :

Linux is a hacker-written operating system virtually identical to unix. It runs on your standard 386/486 PC computers and offers multitasking support far superior to DOS. Because it is still a young OS, and because it is continually evolving from hacker changes and support, it is important that the geek list his Linux ability.

  • l I know what Linux is, but that's about all
  • l+ I've managed to get Linux installed and even used it a few times. It seems like it is just another OS.
  • l++ I use Linux almost exclusively on my system. I monitor comp.os.linux and even answer questions some times. I've aliased Linux FTP sites to make getting new software easier.
  • l+++ I am a Linux wizard. I munch C code for breakfast and have enough room left over for a kernel debugging. I have so many patches installed that I lost track about ten versions ago. Linux newbies consider me a net.god.
  • l- I have no desire to use Linux and frankly don't give a rats ass about it.
  • l-- Unix sucks. Because Linux = Unix. Linux Sucks. I worship Bill Gates.
  • !l I don't even use an 80x86 chip, so linux isn't really a reality for me. (ie, Mac people).
  • l? What the hell is Linux? I've never even heard of it.