Laurent DOMISSE 6, allée des alysses 91300 Massy Tel : 33 1 60 11 94 60 Email : ![]() |
![]() 36 years old, not married Freed of military obligations Version française |
Language : professionnal english, notions of german
I have been using Unix and the Internet daily for almost seven years, 5
years of which I managed the system.
I developed a statistic software to connect to a Web server (w3perl), rated among the best on-line stats tool and used worldwide.
I am very knowledgeable in imaging and spectrum processing.
Engineer working for the Terapix project (data reduction for large astronomical telescope)
Research engineer for the computing department.
Internet manager in a small company working on Internet kit. Building CGI front access for various Virtual ISP
System engineer and Webmaster for a multimedia start-up compagny. Set-up of the network and management of the workstations.
System engineer and Webmaster for a young subsidiary of Odile Jacob Editions. I set up the computer infrastructure and the server development. Linux administration
HTML developer - integrator in the Web creation studio of a multimedia subsidiary of the Lagardiere group. I was in charge if setting up several servers, which are, by order of importance :
In particular, I have written many scripts in Perl and C languages for the interactivities of those servers ( survey, virtual postcards, subscriber password management , automatic personal pages, random publicity tape, game - competition, agenda, file management...)
As a Webmaster, I set up the Orstom server, insured its actualization and its development in collaboration with the various laboratories of the Institute. (first African francophone site, conference broadcast live on the web).