Home Rule
William Ewart
Gladstone became British prime minister in 1868. "My mission is to pacify Ireland", he immediately
affirmed. Among his first measures was the disestablishment of the Church of
Ireland, a recognition that it was inappropriate to have a formal link between
the state and a denomination supported only by a small minority of the Irish
people. His Land Act of 1870 gave greater security to some tenants, and those
who left their holdings could claim compensation for improvements they had
made. However, the act proved unsatisfactory in practice, and agitation for
land reform steadily increased. Equally important was the demand for home rule.
In 1870 Isaac Butt, a Protestant lawyer who had represented Fenian
prisoners and campaigned for an amnesty, founded the Home Government
Association. He initially envisaged a Dublin parliament responsible for
domestic affairs, with Irish MPs continuing to sit at Westminster. The association
was replaced in 1873 by a more aggressive Home Rule League, and after the
following year's general election (the first with a secret ballot) fifty-nine
MPs were committed to home rule. Butt died in 1879, and after a further general
election in 1880, the Irish parliamentary party (now
sixty-one in number) elected Charles Stewart Pamell as its leader. During the
next decade he dominated Irish affairs as Daniel O'Connell had once done.
Parnell, a wealthy Protestant land-owner from County Wicklow, might
have seemed an unlikely advocate of home rule. However, his American mother had
always been hostile to England, and he himself was horrified by the execution
of the Manchester martyrs. Soon after entering parliament, he shocked the house
of commons by saying, "I never shall believe any murder was committed at
Manchester." He quickly adopted the obstructionist tactics initiated by
his fellow MP, the Fenian Joseph Biggar, exploiting parliament's rules of
procedure to delay business and force the government to attend to Irish
Parnell's militancy found favour among such Fenian leaders as
Michael Davitt, founder of the Land League, and John Devoy, who was active in
America. The Fenians were still committed to the use of physical force, and
there were many agrarian outrages during the "land war". However,
Parnell's support for land reform was valuable, and the three men formed a
loose alliance known as the "New Departure". Parnell became president
of the Land League, but he was dissatisfied with Gladstone's Land Act of 1881
and his provocative language resulted in imprisonment in Dublin and suppression
of the league. Seven months later, secret negotiations led to his release, and
to new legislation which helped tenants with arrears of rent.
A new organisation, the Irish National League, switched the emphasis
to home rule. After the 1885 election the eighty-six members of
Parnell's party held the balance of power at Westminster, and Gladstone
introduced his first Home Rule Bill. Ninety-three of Gladstone's own Liberal
MPs voted against the bill, and it was defeated. In 1889 Parnell was cited as corespondent in a divorce case, and
the scandal cost him the leadership of his party. Two years later he was dead.
The struggle for home rule continued, and Gladstone
introduced a second bill in 1893, only to see it defeated in the house of
lords. However, the Liberal Party was now firmly committed on the issue, and
after the 1906 general election enjoyed a huge majority in the house of
commons. The Parliament Act of 1911 reduced the peers' veto on legislation to a
delaying power. A new Home Rule Bill was introduced in 1912, was rejected by
the lords, and became law in 1914. With the outbreak of the First World War in
August 1914 it was agreed that this Government of Ireland Act should not be
implemented until the war was over - but by 1918 much had changed.