HTML version of the Geek Code - Housing

The Code of the Geeks v1.0.1

Housing :

  • h Friends come over to visit every once in a while to talk about Geek things. There is a place for them to sit.
  • h+ Living alone, get out once a week to buy food, no more than once a month to do laundry. All surfaces covered.
  • h++ Living in a cave with 47 computers and an Internet feed, located near a Dominoes pizza. See !d.
  • h- Living with one or more registered Geeks.
  • h-- Living with one or more people who know nothing about being a Geek and refuse to watch 'Star Trek'.
  • h--- Married, with the potential for children. (persons living with a fiance might as well label themselves h---, you're as good as there already.)
  • h* I'm not sure where I live anymore. This lab/workplace seems like home to me.