HTML version of the Geek Code - Education

The Code of the Geeks v1.0.1

Education :

All geeks have a varying amount of education.

  • e K-12, been on a college campus.
  • e+ Started a B.S./B.A, plan to finish it some day.
  • e++ Had not learned enough to know better not to go back and try for a master's degree.
  • e+++ Still pretty stupid, over qualified to work any job, went and got my Ph.D.
  • e- Got my bachelors, escaped alive, and am making hoards of money writing unmaintainable (except by me) software.
  • e-- The company I work for was dumb enough to fund my way through a masters degree, then started paying me even more money.
  • e--- Achieved a Ph.D, have devoted my life to insignificant research, which my employer pays dearly for.
  • e* I learned everything there is to know about life from the "Hitchhiker's Trilogy".