HTML version of the Geek Code - Dress

The Code of the Geeks v1.0.1

Dress :

Geeks come in many different types of dress.

  • d I dress a lot like those in Walmart ads
  • d+ I tend to wear trendy political messages like "Save the Whales" or "Free South Africa".
  • d++ I tend to wear conservative dress such as a business suit.
  • d- I tend to wear trendy political messages like "Nuke the Humans", "Question Authority", or "Big Brother's Watching".
  • d-- I wear jeans to work just to piss off my boss
  • d--- At work, I have holes in my jeans and/or obscenities on my shirt.
  • d? I have no idea what I am wearing right now, let alone what I wore yesterday.
  • !d No clothing. Quite a fashion statement, don't you think?
  • -d+ I wear the same clothes all the time, no matter the occasion, often forgetting to do laundry between wearings.