AAMOF | as a matter of fact |
AFAIC | as far as I'm concerned |
AFAICT | as far as I can tell |
AFAIK | as far as I know |
AFK | away from keyboard |
AISI | as I see it |
AIUI | as I understand it |
AKA | also known as |
ANFSCD | And now for something completely different... |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ATLA | another three letter acronym |
AWGTHTGTATA | Are we going to have to go through all this again? |
AWGTHTGTTA | Are we going to have to go through this again? |
AYOR | at your own risc |
BAK | back at keyboard |
BBL | be back later |
BCNU | be seeing you |
BF | boyfriend |
BFN | bye for now |
BOT | back on topic |
BRB | be right back |
BSF | but seriously folks |
BST | but seriously though |
BTAIM | be that as it may |
BTDT | been there done that |
BTHOM | Beats the hell outta me! |
BTSOOM | Beats the shit out of me! |
BTW | by the way |
BTWBO Be there with bells on. | |
COTFLGOHAHA | Crawling on the floor laughing guts out and having a heart attack. |
CUA | commonly used acronym |
CUL | See you later. |
CUL8R | See you later. |
CWYL | Chat with you later. |
CYA | Cover your ass. |
D&C | Duck and cover. |
DILLIGAD | Do I look like I give a darn?! |
DILLIGAF | Do I look like I give a fuck! |
DNPM | darn near pissed myself |
DUCWIC | Do you see what I see? |
DWISNWID | Do what I say not what I do. |
DYHWIH | Do you hear what I hear? |
DYJHIW | Don't You just hate it when... |
E2EG | ear to ear grin |
EOD | end of discussion |
EOF | end of file |
ESAD | Eat shit and die! |
ESAL | Eat shit and live! |
ETLA | extended three letter acronym |
FAFWOA | for a friend without access |
(Blush-blush really dumb question coming up) FIFO | first in first Out |
FITB | Fill in the blank. |
FOAD | Fuck off and die. |
FOAF | friend of a friend |
FOAFOAG | father of a friend of a girlfriend |
FOAG | father of a girlfriend |
FOC | free of charge |
FTASB | faster than a speeding bullet |
FTL | faster than light |
FU | fucked up |
FUBAR | fucked up beyond all recognition |
FUBB | fouled up beyond belief |
FUD | (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and disinformation |
FWIW | for what it's worth |
FYA | for Your amusement |
FYE | for Your entertainment |
FYI | for your information |
GA | go ahead |
GAFIA | get away from it all |
GAL | get a life |
GF | girlfriend |
GFAK | go fly a kite |
GGN | gotta go now |
GIGO | garbage in, garbage out |
GIWIST | Gee, I wish I'd said that. |
GR&D | grinning, running & ducking |
GTFOOMF | Get the fuck out of my face. |
HAK | hugs and kisses |
HOMPR | Hang on, mobile phone's ringing. |
HTH | hope this helps |
HWS(PEST) | husband wants sex (please excuse slow typing) |
IAC | in any case |
IAE | in any event |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer (also IANAxxx, such as IANACPA) |
IANALBIPOOTV | I am not a lawyer, but I play one on TV |
IARTPFWTSIOWIM | I am repeating this parrot-fashion with out the slightest idea of what it means. |
IBC | inadequate, but cute |
IBTD | I beg to differ. |
IDGAD | I don't give a damn. |
IDGAS | I don't give a shit. |
IIRC | If I recall correctly |
IITYWIMWYBMAD | If I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink? |
IITYWTMWYKM | If I tell you what this means will you kiss me? |
IIWM | if it were me (mine) |
ILIWTPCT | I love it when the plan comes together |
ILSHIBAMF | I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture! |
ILSHIBATF | I laughed so hard I broke all the furniture. |
IMBO | in my biased opinion |
IMCAO | in my completely arrogant opinion (Use for attracting flames!) |
IMCO | in my considered opinion |
IME | in My experience |
IMHO | in my humble opinion |
IMNSHO | in my not so humble opinion |
IMO | in my opinion |
INPO | in no particular order |
IOW | in other words |
ISTM | it seems to me |
ISTR | I seem to recall |
IYSWIM | If You see what I mean. |
JAM | Just a minute. |
KISS | keep it simple, stupid |
LIFO | last in first out |
LLTA | Lots and lots of thunderous applause! |
LMFAO | Laughing my fucking ass off. |
LOL | lots of luck or laughing out loud |
LTIP | laughing till I puke |
MFG | more friendly garbage |
MFTL | my favorite toy language |
MHOTY | my hat's off to you |
MMIF | my mouth is full |
MTFBWY | May the force be with you! |
MYOB | Mind your own business! |
NALOPKT | Not a lot of people know that. |
NBD | no big deal |
NFI | no friggin' idea |
NFW | no fucking way |
NIMBY | not in my back yard |
NRN | no reply necessary |
NTL | nevertheless |
NTTAWWT | not that there's anything wrong with that |
OAO | over and out |
OATUS | on a totally unrelated subject |
OAUS | on an unrelated subject |
OBTW | oh, by the way |
OIC | Oh, I see! |
ONNA | Oh no, not again! |
ONNTA | Oh no, not this again! |
OOTB | out of the box (brand new) |
OOTC | obligatory on-topic comment |
OTC | Over the counter |
OTOH | on the other hand |
OTOOH | on the other other hand |
OTT | over the top |
OTTH | on the third hand |
OTTOMH | off the top of my head |
OTTOMHAROOB | off the top of my head and rolling out of bounds |
OTW | on the whole |
OWTTE | or words to that effect |
PD | public domain |
PITA | pain in the ass |
PMFJI | pardon me for jumping in |
PMIGBOM | Put mind in gear, before opening mouth! |
PMYMHMMFSWGAD | Pardon me, you must have mistaken me for some one who gives a damn |
POV | point of view |
RAEBNC | Read and enjoyed, but no comment. |
ROTBA | reality on the blink again |
ROTFFNAR | roll(ing) on the floor for no apparent reason |
ROTFL | roll(ing) on the floor laughing (also, ROFL) |
ROTFLAHMS | ... and holding my sides |
ROTFLASTC | ... and scaring the cat |
ROTFLBTC | ... biting the carpet |
ROTFLBTCUTS | ...... unable to stop |
ROTFLGO | ... guts out |
ROTFLMAO | ... my ass off |
ROTFLOL | ... out loud |
ROTFLOLVH | ... out loud very hard |
ROTFTPOF | ... trying to put out flames |
ROTFLSTC | ... scaring the cat |
RSN | real soon now (which may be a long time coming) |
RTFAQ | read the FAQ |
RTFI | read the fucking instructions |
RTFM | read the fucking manual |
RTFMS | Read the fucking manual, sir! (from the military) |
RUOK | Are You OK? |
SBCN | Sitting behind the computer naked. |
SCNR | Sorry, couldn`t resist. |
SHM | Shit happens, mate. |
SICS | sitting in chair snickering |
SIMCA | sitting in my chair amused (for something not quite as funny as to deserve ROTFL) |
SITD | still in the dark |
SMOP | small matter of programming |
SNAFU | situation normal, all fucked up |
SNR | signal to noise ratio |
SO | significant other |
SOI | stunk on ice |
TANJ | there ain't no justice |
TANSTAAFL | there ain't no such thing as a free lunch |
TARFU | things are really fouled up |
TGAL | think globally, act locally |
TIA | thanks in advance |
TIC | tongue in cheek |
TINALO | this is not a legal opinion |
TINAR | this is not a recommendation |
TINWIS | that is not what I said |
TLA | three-letter acronym (such as this) |
TNOTVS | theres nothing on TV so,.... |
TNX | thanks |
TPS(S) | this program sucks (severely) |
TPTB | the powers that be |
TRDMC | tears running down my cheeks |
TSOHF | total sense of humor failure |
TTBOMK | to the best of my knowledge |
TTFN | ta ta for now |
TTYL | talk to you later |
TTYRS | talk to you real soon |
TUFD | the user file died |
TVM | thanks very much |
TYCLO | Turn your CAPS LOCK off. (Quit shouting.) |
TYVM | thank you very much |
UBD | user brain damage |
UTC | under the counter |
UTT | under the table |
VETLA | very enhanced TLA |
VR | virtual reality |
WAB? | What another bill? |
WAG | wild ass guess |
WDYMBT | What do you mean by that? |
WGAS | Who gives a shit? |
WIBAMU | Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. |
WIBNI | would it be nice if |
WMMOWS | Wash my mouth out with soap! |
WNOHGB | where no one has gone before |
WRT | with regard to |
WT | without thinking |
WTF | what the fuck |
WTFDYTYA | Who the fuck do you think you are? |
WTFWT | What the fuck was that? |
WTH | what the hell |
WTTM | without thinking too much |
WWS | wife wants sex |
WYLABOCTGWTR | Would you like a bowl of cream to go with that remark? |
WYLASOMWTC | Would you like a saucer of milk with that comment? |
WYTYSYDG | What you thought you saw, you didn't get. |
YAOTM | yet another off-topic message |
YHGASP | You have got a serious problem |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary |
YSS | You suck severely |
YWSYLS | You win some, you lose some |